Our Jouney

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Off to Newfoundland

We arrived in plenty of time for the Marine Atlantic Ferry.

Waiting in line was a meet and greet for the motorcyclists since we are organized all together for boarding.  We met a 70-year old from Newfoundland, returning with his new Harley and his side kick, a young military guy from Nova Scotia on his way back to his ship.

The room was quite small, something you would see in a submarine.  Two people could not pass through in opposite directions.  Very cosy sleeping arrangements - everyone with their own bunk, and very hot in the room.

As we waited for departure we enjoyed the harbour view.  But, interesting there was a diver preparing to enter the water and investigate something under the ferry ???

On board we soon learned that the air-conditioning was not working and who knows what else - our departure was delayed 2 hours!

What were we to do?  We of course tried some local brews - Iceberg and Black Horse -  as well as some of our favourites.  But clearly we could not keep up with some of the locals!

Harvey also helped pass the time, performing a mixture of rock, country and Irish tunes.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the beers were good! Also those are some garishly bright chairs haha
