Our Jouney

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Carbonear - Harbour Grace

We arrived in Argentia NL at 10:30 in the morning.  We were happy to see our bikes travel well with others, but it was a new experience getting all packed up and removing the tie-downs on the bikes quickly.  Cars were already departing as we were trying to get organized.

We arrived in Carbonear a bit early for check-in, no one was home at the Inn except 2 young lads cutting the grass.  We headed out for lunch and some exploring.

We have given up trying to find restaurants on the GPS - way to out of date!!  We now now rely on the local recommendations.  We were directed to a small, family-run establishment - literally at the end of the road - Mad Rock.  It had 6 tables - all were full and we were told to wait outside (in the heat) until a table was free.

We all had the cafe special - fishcakes, beans and touton (deep fried bread eaten with molasses :))

After lunch, we took a drive on the gravel road out to the Mad Rock scenic trail in Spaniard's Bay.

Then we were off to Harbour Grace to see the sights:   The Boat that doesn't Float...

... and the Plane that doesn't fly  (behind Amelia and Mary)

Amelia Earhart started her transatlantic flight from Harbour Grace, NL.  It was hard to know who admired Amelia Earhart more Mary or Joe - He likes tall women.

By 4pm, we headed back to Carbonear and Sophia's Hertiage Inn, a very beautiful Inn but as the front steps show - some parts of town needed a bit of work.  We had 2 great nights of sleep, maybe because the ferry bunks were the last thing we had to compare.

The driveway needed a bit of work too - a bit steep and very rutty.  Going down was even worse since there was a lot of loose gravel on the driveway and on the street at the bottom

One of the more interesting traditions here in Newfoundland that the boys are enjoying is that they are usually served first - they are adamant that this tradition should be brought back to the mainland

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